Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Last Night's Sickness

So, I don't think I was "sick" sick last night. I got my period today, and I'm pretty sure that my body was just generally feeling like crap. Also, I was having weird cramps that didn't really feel like cramps but instead felt like someone was stabbing me in my left ovary. Forcefully. With a very dull knife, thereby creating the maximum amount of pain.

I'm not exaggerating about that. I could barely stand when the pain was at its strongest. Husband kept asking if we should go to the hospital. Ibuprofen helped, though. I didn't have a fever or vomiting, I could go to the bathroom okay, and I didn't feel extra pain when I pushed around on my stomach, so I assumed last night that I wasn't having an emergency. Like I know anything about the way the human body works. But that was my reasoning.

Hopefully this isn't indicative of what my periods will be like from now on. Short menstrual cycle and two days worth of acute pain. Hopefully my body is simply saying, "For reals, Mother Nature? Haven't I done enough? I do NOT want any more babies in there, so just knock it off, okay? This menstrual cycle thing is totally pointless now, so please stop wasting your time."

My period a few weeks ago was nice and light and pain free. Why am I all grumpy and ouchy and gross this time?

Man. Having babies messes your lady stuff up.

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