Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Birthday Party; Bad Behavior

Had I posted on Saturday, October 6th, I would have told you that Clark had a lovely first birthday party that day. We celebrated with family. Simple affair. Ball pit, pizza, angel food cake with blueberries and whipped cream. He was very happy and had a great time playing with his siblings and his cousins.

As for today, I will tell you that Henry has been having some behavior issues lately. He is normally the most well-behaved of the kids, but lately he's been very defiant. Especially once he's already been put in time out. He yells, throws a temper tantrum, and says things like, "Be quiet, Mommy!"

My first thought was, "He's totally copying other kids at school. This is not like Henry. He's learned this somewhere." Then I realized that maybe I'm being one of those moms that's in denial about the true nature of her children. So I talked to Henry's teacher under the pretext of hoping that Henry isn't having the same behavior problems in school that he's started to display at home. As soon as I described his new behavior the teacher confessed that Henry has seen another student act exactly that way and is clearly copying the bad behavior.

Ha! I knew it!

The teacher said that she tries to remove the misbehaved student as soon as he starts acting up, but sometimes the other kids see what he does. She said that Henry doesn't act like that at school (not yet, anyway), but that if we keep having problems at home to let her know and she'll talk to the principal. I'm not sure what the principal can do about it, but you'd better believe that I'll let her know if Henry keeps up with it. I've been pretty strict with Henry when he starts the bad behavior and it's already starting to wind down. Hopefully he's just testing those boundaries. Boundary set. Don't even try it, kiddo.

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