Thursday, October 4, 2012


One year old. One year old! Happy birthday, you sweet little ball of cuteness! I love you, Clark.

Today Clark woke up to everyone in the house singing "Happy Birthday" and then he received his birthday present-- a giant box of wooden blocks. He loved them! Later in the day we bought a birthday balloon, had lunch with Daddy (Clark got TWO Buddy Fruits with lunch!), made a birthday cake, Skyped with all of the grandparents, and then had cake after dinner. It was a good day.

Oh, Clark. I can't believe you're already one year old.

Clark doesn't have quite as many words as Elise did at this same age, but he definitely has the comprehension. He answers yes and no questions by saying "yeah" and "nah" (I love the way he says "naaaah") and it really seems as though he actually says what he means.

Thank you for being such an awesome baby. And also for not destroying my vagina on your way out of my body. You're a gentle giant, Bubba.

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