Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Flu Free

The kids now all have their flu shots. Clark and Elise got theirs last Friday and Henry and Georgia got theirs today. I believe in vaccinating my children. Modern medicine is an amazing miracle and I have every intention to use it to my utmost advantage. Thank you, science.

Henry does not take shots well. I assume it's because of his history, having had emergency surgery when he was small and being stuck in the hospital with a PICC line in his arm for an entire week. So I don't blame him.

As soon as Henry figures out what's coming, he starts to flip out. Today, he started yelling "No! No!" as soon as the nurse asked him to lay down on the exam table. She held his legs and I held his arms and I talked into his ear while she gave him his shot. He screamed. Then when it was over he sat up and kept pointing at the nurse and yelling, "She hurt me! She hurt me, Mommy!" That was sad. It made me feel bad. I just tried to explain that getting a small boo boo now would protect him from a big boo boo later. I'm pretty sure that he could have cared less.

Then Georgia got her shot and she didn't even whimper. Not a sound. She raised her eyebrows and looked down as if to say, "What the...?" But that was it. I vote Georgia "most likely to get a tattoo." I just hope it's a heart with the word "MOM" in the middle. Or "MOMS"... that would be cool. I'd support that tattoo.

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