Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Georgia's 6 Month Speech Evaluation

I just got the report from Georgia's 6 month re-evaluation at her speech therapist's office. Lots of improvement!

The office miscalculated her age and said that she's several months older than she really is, so they compared her performance to kids who are older than she actually is now. At her age, a few months really do make a difference. Since she was compared to older kids, she's actually doing better than the report shows. And even with the miscalculated age, over all Georgia's speech skills are "on level." Yay! She's at the low end of "on level" according to the report, but I think that if you adjusted for the correct age, she would be just a little below the 50th percentile. That's my guess, anyway.

She still has considerable problems with her articulation. The report indicates that she can't even hold her mouth in some of the positions that a person needs in order to form certain sounds properly. For example, she can't effectively go from puckering her lips to stretching them out to puckering them to stretching them out again. We have lots of "silly faces" to practice making at each other in order to help her put her mouth into the right shapes.

Like Henry, Georgia made a lot of progress over the past 6 months. So proud of my babies!

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