Thursday, October 18, 2012

Not a Fluke!

Elise did the sit-on-the-potty-wearing-a-diaper poop again! YESSSSSSS! Oh, please let this be for real. Please let this be the start of fewer poopy diapers that I have to change. (When you have four little bitties, the thought of having TWO whole kids potty trained is enough to make you want to cry for joy.)


  1. Nice! We are also trying to teach Andy that he should go to the restroom to poop and he can go in his diaper. He seems like he is considering pooping on the potty. He's done it before, but he stopped a few months ago. The pediatrician says almost every kid goes through the "i don't want to poop on the potty" thing and that it usually is about 6 months after pee pee success that poop success occurs. Andy is very good with peeing in the potty these days.

  2. Elise has pooped in the potty a million times. I don't know what suddenly changed. So frustrating. And she's really good a peeing on the potty. I guess we just have to give it time.

    I'd always heard that boys are harder to potty train, but Henry was super easy. Elise over-thinks it. Also, she's scared of everything right now.
