Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Super Pooper!

We've FINALLY made progress with Elise regarding her can't-poop-on-the-potty issue.

First of all, I've realized that she has some very strange and unexplained issues with seeing things inside the toilet bowl. If the toilet has anything other than clear water in it, she won't even sit on the seat. We were out somewhere and they had the kind of toilet bowel cleaner that turns the water blue. Nope. Not happening. She screamed and wouldn't let me sit her on the potty. If there's a discarded piece of toilet paper that hasn't been flushed down, she won't sit on the seat. A hair? Nope. The toilet has to be flushed clean before she'll sit on it. It's a thing with her. So I guess seeing some poop in the toilet, or the THOUGHT of possibly seeing some poop in the toilet, is disturbing her.

Well, tonight she had to poop. She sat and sat and sat on the potty. Husband read her stories. We talked to her. It went on and on and on. Finally I asked if she would still sit on the potty if I put a diaper on her and let her poop into the diaper while she keeps sitting on the toilet. She agreed. (I've asked her to do this in the past and she refused.) Her conditions were that I put the diaper on her, stay in the room but turn my back to her, and don't talk. So I did. And she pooped in the diaper while sitting on the potty.


Then I told her that we were going to dump the poop out of the diaper and into the toilet because I wanted her to see what it would look like and see that it's not a big deal. She got really stressed out. Eventually she let me, though.

She was really proud of herself when it was all over. Now I wait to see if this was a one time deal or if she'll possibly do it again.

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