Friday, November 9, 2012

Clark Update; Poop Victory

Clark now has 8 teeth. Bam. Just like that. 7 and 8, back to back.

He also has a terrible case of diarrhea. The kind that is basically just brown water. Poor kiddo. He's just as happy as can be, though. Not particularly hungry, although he's drinking a lot of water and nursing like mad. Peeing plenty, so he's not dehydrated. But leaking out the hiney-end like you wouldn't believe.

And speaking of poop...

drum roll, please...


Five times. She has diarrhea, too.

She was resistant for the first poop. As usual. Super stressed out when I made her sit on the potty without a diaper on. Like, I literally thought her head would explode. She was shaking and whining but her tummy was so upset that she couldn't hold it in. She finally pooped and I clapped and told her how proud I was, and she was proud of herself, too.

Husband took her to the potty the second time, and he said she just sat down and pooped. No big deal. As if it was part of her every day routine to take an evening poop on the potty. By the fourth poop, she was kicking me out of the bathroom by saying, "Mommy. I need my privacy. Go in the other room."

I'm so happy about this. She's nearly potty trained. Oh! And she doesn't need a diaper for daytime naps anymore, either. Yay!

I just remembered something Elise said to me earlier today. She asked, "Mommy? Clark was in your tummy?" I said yes and she said, "Why?" I wasn't sure what she was asking so I said, "I was growing him in my tummy." Then she laughed and said, "I grow poop in my tummy." Ha!

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