Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today Stinks

I had a crappy day. Instead of boring you with a recount of every little thing that went wrong, I will just share the day's highlight.

Clark threw up this morning. Twice. Little baby throw ups of curdled breast milk. He hasn't done that in forever. It was such a tiny little amount each time, both before breakfast, and I thought that it must be something funny in my milk. I literally apologized to him, thinking I must have eaten something last night that didn't agree with his tummy.

He wasn't very hungry today, but he did eat. Ate breakfast. Ate lunch. Ate a snack. I even forgot about the morning pukes, as nothing else out of the ordinary happened.

Then, on my way home this evening with all four kids in the car, Elise looks over to Clark and says, "Mommy? Clarky throwed up."

"Is he okay?"

Elise stares at him for a tad too long, then finally says, "No." I was at a red light by that point, so I throw the van in park and put on my hazard lights and climb in the back to look at him (he's still rear-facing so I couldn't just turn around and see him). He's COVERED in vomit, still silently puking his guts out, and clearly not getting any air. By the time I jam my hand into the pile of puke on his chest and loosen his car seat harness, he manages to take a big gulp of air and then proceeds to splatter vomit all around himself with a gigantic cough.

Anyway, despite being in crazy rush hour traffic, I eventually manage to get the car pulled over so that I could clean Clark up as best as possible and wrap his vomit-soaked clothes in a plastic bag. The smell was SO bad. So bad. Even the other kids commented on it. "Stinky, Mommy!" This from children who think that poop jokes are the height of comedic genius. I didn't even know that toddlers could find something disgusting. I didn't know that I could find something disgusting anymore. I thought I was all disgusting-ed out, what with the amazing level of grossness that the other three have already achieved.

Anyhow, Clark seems fine now. Guess that big puke got rid of whatever was bothering him. But now I can't un-smell that smell and I've felt a little queezy ever since. Please, please, whatever it was that made him throw up, please let it not be contagious. Or if it is, please let the other 3 kids not catch it. My nose can't take it.

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