Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tomorrow's the Day!

Elise has been telling everyone all day long, "Tomorrow is Adoption Day. Gigi gonna be my sister!" Seriously. Total strangers. Anyone who will listen. It's very cute.

I had a dream on Sunday when I took a nap. It was about our adoption day. I couldn't get everything ready in time and we were super late. Before I knew it we were an hour late to the adoption ceremony. And still I couldn't manage to get there. I misplaced Georgia's shoes. Then I parked my car somewhere and either it got stolen or I couldn't remember where it was, but it wasn't where I thought I'd left it. Everything was confusing and stressful. Then I saw the kids' guardian ad litem and she told me how disappointed everyone was in our behavior and how she wasn't sure if the judge would still let us adopt the kids. It was the adoption equivalent of a stressful pregnancy dream. Isn't that silly?

Our last night as a foster family! YAY!!!

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