Monday, November 12, 2012

Clark's Vocabulary

Clark is developing quite a vocabulary. He can still imitate like crazy. For instance, if the big kids are all screaming, "I want milk!" at the dining room table, Clark will inevitably start yelling something that sounds nearly identical.

He says hi and bye bye and no and yeah and all of those kinds of things. Up and down. Mine. He's made up his own sign for brushing teeth (which he LOVES to do, by the way). He says car. Hat. Milk. More. Mommy, daddy, baby. He's always pointing out babies. He kind of says babby-- it's cute. Cat. Cracker. Night night. Poo poo. Eye. Nose. Hair. Book. Star. Ashes ashes from the nursery rhyme. He's started calling bottles of water or juice "bobby." He's never had a regular baby bottle in his life, but for some reason he calls adult bottles bobbies. Don't know where he came up with that, but I think it's kind of cool. He'll say "bobby" and sign for more when he wants a sip of your water. He rubs his hands together when he sees a sink because he likes washing his hands. He still says, "Dat?" for "What's that?" Mmmmm when he likes the taste of something. Apple. Banana. Cheese. He pumps his fist up and down by his head for "train."

I'm sure that there's more but I can't remember them right now. He's cool. I feel like I can almost have a conversation with him.

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