Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eviction Notice

Things are moving along!

I had an OBGYN's appointment today. I am 1 centimeter dilated! Yay! I am 50% effaced! Yay! Elise is at station -2! Yay!

Let me translate, to the best of my ability and understanding.

Pregnant ladies have to dilate 10 centimeters before they can push the baby out, but most of that dilating happens once they start going into labor. Ladies can dilate a few centimeters before the REAL labor starts, though, and that's what my body has started doing. I'm 1/10th of the way to popping out a baby.

The cervix has to not only widen/dilate but also become thinner. Ultimately, pregnant ladies need to be 100% effaced. I'm half way there, at 50%.

And "station" refers to how far down into my pelvis the baby's head is. The stations go from -4, when the baby is floating and not at all in the pelvis, to +4, which is crowning. Elise is at -2, so she's 1/4th of the way there.

I've also started losing my mucous plug. Yay!

Soooooo... everything is totally normal and none of that indicates that she'll be arriving any time soon. Just that things are getting started. Like they should.

I'm ready to meet you, Elise!!!

1 comment:

  1. pegs and elise's bffMarch 3, 2010 at 3:23 PM

    we're ready for play dates!!! :D :D
