Monday, March 8, 2010

My Husband, My Hero

Husband moved our recliner into our bedroom Saturday night, so that I could sleep in the chair and still be near him. It wasn't easy to move it by himself, but he did it for me. What a guy.

My upper respitory infection (because that's what my cold has now become) makes lying down really uncomfortable. I wake up coughing like crazy and the stuff that comes out of me when I cough is enough to make me want to throw up. When I cough, my abdominal muscles hurt so bad that sometimes it brings tears to my eyes. I'm not exaggerating. Sitting in the recliner makes me feel a lot better.

On the down side, the baby puts more pressure on my bladder when I sleep, so 3 trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night are now more like 6 trips, but I've gotta breathe, so oh well.

The infection seems to be getting better. I'm using saline spray in my nose and that's helping. I hope I can fight it off soon. It's really making me miserable.

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