Monday, March 8, 2010

Pretty In Pink

**** WARNING! Talking about gross stuff again.****

Starting yesterday morning, my discharge has turned pink. That means I'm dilating more and the blood released from my cervix stretching as it dilates and effaces is mixing with my regular discharge, turning it all pink.

A word on discharge during pregnancy. I had no idea about this. At the beginning of pregnancy, I was like, "Yay! No period for 9 months!" Then I bled off and on for months, which was not only scary but kind of a bummer since I was all excited about not having a period. After that, the discharge started happening.

Now, some women just naturally have a lot of discharge when they aren't pregnant, which is totally normal. I'm not one of those women. My lady parts have been very, very kind to me over the years. So I was flabberghasted (though not alarmed) when I needed to start using a pantyliner every day due to the increased amount of discharge that happens during pregnancy.

I understand that my body is trying to keep everything nice and clean and free of bacteria for the baby. Extra discharge is a good thing. It just caught me off guard at first.

Anyway, thanks to the pink, now I know for sure that I'm still dilating and effacing. I've been SO uncomfortable since yesterday, too. My back is killing me. And my contractions seem to start down low in my abdomen instead of up high at the top of my uterus, like they used to.

I'm hoping that I go into labor soon. I mean, I guess that this is sort of pre-labor right now because stuff is clearly going on with my body. But I hope the official contractions start soon. Of course, it could be weeks away. We'll just have to wait and see.

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