Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weight Watching

I gained about 33 pounds during my pregnancy. I was 115 before I got pregnant and I got up to 148 the last time I weighed myself before Elise was born.

I've lost 20 pounds of my pregnancy weight so far. It's amazing how quickly my belly went down, especially considering how big it got. I didn't weigh myself right after Elise was born to see how much weight I'd lost due to her delivery. I'd assume it was something close to 15 pounds.

13 more pounds to go.


  1. At three months out, I have 5 pounds to go until pre-preg weight. It's possible to kiss it all goodbye.

  2. Good job! Have you peed a million gallons of urine? I heard that happens in the first week or two- your blood volume contracts back toward pre-preggo size and you lose tons of water weight. Breastfeeding alone burns about 500 or 600 calories per day, so that's 1 lb or more per week even if you don't exercise!
