Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Cats Commotion

Baby + Cats = Occasional Craziness

I was in the kitchen today with Elise on my hip when I heard a familiar cat noise. Sometimes one of the cats will "catch" something and make this very certain sounding cry to announce his or her joy. Of course, usually they've only found a misplaced hair tie or a rubberband off a stack of mail. But they mew and mew to let the whole house know.

Well, my old lady cat, Beanie, was making the noise in the living room, so I peeked around the corner to see what she'd found. Holy cow! She had a lizard!

Beanie has no teeth. She was trying to bite at the lizard to no avail. In trying to bite it, she would take her paw off for a second and the lizard would scamper for a few steps before she would catch it with her paw again. I don't know if the lizard was hurt or just scared, but it wasn't running very fast.

I needed to save the lizard and to do that I had to set the baby down somewhere. Fast. I started saying in a loud, firm voice (not quite yelling), "NO! NO! Beanie! NO!" This made Elise scared and she started screaming and crying. Which attracted the attention of my meanest cat, Toesie.

So now I had two cats trying to eat the lizard and a baby crying in my ear. The high chair was just out of reach. I fended off the cats from the lizard with my feet while my hands were busy strapping the baby into her high chair and my mouth was yelling at the cats to keep their attention sort of kind of diverted. I'm yelling, the baby's yelling, the cats are mewing.

By the time I got everything under control and bent to scoop the lizard up, it was in total shock and went with me completely willingly. The panic subsided once I tossed the lizard out the front door. The baby calmed down immediately and the cats patiently stared for the next hour at the spot on the floor where they expected the lizard to reappear.

Murders prevented today: 1. You're welcome, lizard.

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