Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Onions, Super Taster, Aunt Flo

Elise had her first onions tonight! I diced some onions up real small and sauteed them in olive oil this afternoon. I sprinkled some into her green bean, carrot, and rice cereal dinner. She definitely tasted them. Elise made a stink face at first, but then she ate them just fine. No tummy upsets so far, so I think she's tolerating them.

I suspect that Elise may have a heightened sense of taste. Last night, Husband and I followed the instructions for a test to see if we're super tasters, normal tasters, or non-tasters. It basically determines with what intensity you taste certain flavors, as indicated by how many taste receptors you have on your tongue. Well, both Husband and I are super tasters. So I figure Elise must be, too. Cool!

In other me related news, my period started today. Sigh. Welcome back, old friend. Eight months period-free after the baby was born. Party's over.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did you do the test from "Supertasters tend to dislike strong, bitter foods like raw broccoli, grapefruit juice, coffee and dark chocolate." I must not be a supertaster. I like all of those things a lot. I also like red wine. I ate grapefruit almost every day of my pregnancy- maybe Andy will be like me? Andrew likes asparagus, which is very bitter. In other news, Andrew appears to be non-smelly when it comes to asparagus (his pee doesn't stink like asparagus after he eats it). His dad and I are both smelly smellers -- we make asparagus pee and we can smell asparagus pee. It's weird- this is the only thing I retained from biochemistry class.

  3. we did a test with food coloring on our tongues where we counted the taste receptors in a given area. if i can find the link to the instructions again, i'll post it.

    i LOVE strong flavors. i don't like coffee much, but i enjoy all of the other foods on those lists of bitter foods that super tasters might not like. i read that super tasters don't necessarily dislike those flavors-- they're just more sensitive to them. i had even more receptors than Husband did and yet I like more bitter foods and stronger tastes than he does.
