Thursday, November 18, 2010

Elise Takes a Tumble; Newborn Foster Baby

Elise had her first big fall this evening. Husband even had his hand on her, but she twisted free and fell off the couch. We don't have carpet in the living room. She bonked her head pretty hard.

Husband and I freaked out. In retrospect, she was pretty sleepy before she fell. After she hit her head she was upset for a while, but as she calmed down she started getting drowsy again. Husband and I were like, "Is it safe to let her go to sleep? Oh my god! Don't let her go to sleep! WHY IS SHE GOING TO SLEEP?!?!"

We kept her awake for a little bit. No vomiting. No disoriented looks or unusual amounts of fussiness. She was alert while she was awake. So eventually we let her nap. But we monitored her the whole time.

She's fine. Although I plan to blame any future misbehavior on "that time your Daddy dropped you on your head."

Also today, we got another foster care placement coming up. The case manager who helps keep our foster license current was visiting our house today and she was telling me that they need to find a temporary home for a newborn that's going to be placed with its adoptive family soon. There will be a couple of days between when the baby will be discharged from the hospital and when the adoptive family can take the baby. So I volunteered to let the baby stay with us.

If the birth mother goes through with signing over her parental rights, then we'll pick the baby up from the hospital. Wow. I can't even imagine what that birth mom must be going through tonight.

So, this could be another situation that changes at the last minute. We'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. She's racking up some battle scars. Thankfully, most bonks on the head can be cured with kisses.
