Thursday, November 4, 2010

Click! and Zucchini

A couple of days ago Elise figured out how to make click noises with her tongue. It's pretty cool. If you click at her, she'll do it back. She does it over and over again, so it's not a fluke. If only we spoke Xhosa, she'd be saying her first words now.

As for words, Elise says "da da" all the time. Nonstop! It's a toss up whether "ma ma" or "ba ba" will be next. She'll shout MA! or BA! at random, but she doesn't babble those sounds the way she does dadadadadadadadada.

She hasn't associated her sounds with any particular object yet, so I don't think dada counts as a word. We're trying to help her make the association. She'll shout DA DA! and Husband will jump into her field of vision and say something like, "Here I am!" or, "Here's Dada!" She'll get it eventually.

In food news, we keep giving Elise new foods every three or four days. She had zucchini today for dinner. Liked it just fine. So we mixed in some yellow squash and some rice cereal. Squashy dinner.

It seems like new things are happening all the time with her. Starting at 6 months, babies get very exciting. They go from cute and helpless to becoming these fearless explorers. It's amazing. Like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

1 comment:

  1. Andy started clicking this morning. Maybe they are learning a secret language that their parents won't be able to understand.
