Friday, January 14, 2011

Red Sauce

I have discovered a sure fire way to get Henry to eat something-- pour ketchup on it.


  1. Chris tricked me into eating broccoli with ketchup on it when we first started dating. He made a totally serious face and said that it was really good. Blech!

    Speaking of red sauce, I'm slowly introducing Andy to the ingredients in tomato pasta sauce (except all the sugar and salt): so far we've put in tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and wheat cereal (pretend pasta since he hasnt had pasta yet). He gets to try onions in a few days, so next time we can put onions in the sauce. Mmm. Then parmesan cheese maybe.

  2. I got Henry to eat cauliflower by putting ketchup on it. He seemed to like it!

  3. Haha! I don't think I'll try that one. Icky!
