Monday, January 31, 2011

So Much

It feels like a million different things are going on right now and I can barely think straight. Brain dump:

1. I have a terrible head cold. Elise and Husband have it too. Georgia and Henry have smaller colds, but I had to go get Georgia from day care today for pink eye. Is it not possible for us to all be healthy at once? Is that asking too much?

2. I'm about 5 1/2 weeks along. No morning sickness yet. Maybe I got it all out of the way with my first pregnancy! Yes. That's it. No morning sickness this time.

3. But just in case, I'm eating all of my favorite foods now. Let the first thing that I throw up taste just as good coming up as it did going down!

4. Georgia and Henry are obviously still with us. For now. So far, none of the relatives or family friends are turning out to be suitable people for the kids to live with. But they are still checking stuff out. So we wait. Or KEEP waiting is more like it.

5. Elise is turning into a little parrot. Last night, as I picked Georgia up off the floor, she puked over our bed and I said-- not particluarly loud or angry-ish-- "God damn it." Then Elise said, "Gah Da Neh!" Husband and I looked at each other and I said, "Did she just say 'god damn it'?" "Yes," Husband said, "Yes she did."

Then today, I FINALLY got both socks on her feet before she could pull one off again and I said, "Ta-DAH!" Then Elise said, "Tah-DAH!" perfectly.

Time to un-potty my mouth for reals. (Damn it!)

6. Now that I have a baby on the way (oh, and the rumor is that Georgia and Henry's mom is pregnant, too, and that baby could get removed from her right after it's born) it is REALLY time to start some potty training. Elise is, like, half potty trained. She'll use the potty if you take her. I just need to get her to tell ME when she needs to go. And Henry isn't potty trained at all.

If by some crazy chance we end up with 5 kids under 3 years old in our house all at once, they will NOT all be wearing diapers. Good lord.

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