Monday, February 28, 2011

Not Feeling So Great

Blah. I don't want to talk.

The first trimester sucks.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pick Your Nose

Elise now shows us where her nose is by sticking her right index finger up her right nostril. Every time. "Where is Elise's nose?" Boing! Finger up her nose!

While technically still correct, I think that this is behavior that should probably be corrected.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

6th Tooth, 8 Weeks, Kiddie Updates

Elise has toofie #6 now. Four up top and two on the bottom. And I must be about 8 weeks along in my pregnancy. Babies keep growing!

Also, we've gotten a few updates on the situation with the foster kids. There was a non-relative friend-of-the-family type of person who had expressed interest in taking Henry (and Georgia if need be), but Case Manager has decided that the kids won't be moving in with that person. There's a really good reason for coming to that conclusion-- nothing that is the non-relative's fault-- and this is probably best for everyone in the long run.

There was a relative that was interested in taking Georgia, but that person has failed to complete all of the home study information that is required, and so Case Manager thinks at this point that it is unlikely that Georgia will be moved to live with the relative. Of course that isn't an official, final decision so I wouldn't be shocked to hear that things have changed in a week or two.

So, for now, we're still a family of 5, plus Dinky. And 4 cats.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cutie Patootie

Today Elise grabbed my ears and kissed me on my nose. It was the cutest thing ever and almost made me cry.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Henry's Hearing

Henry has speech delays and balance problems. I suspected it may have something to do with his ears, so I got him a referral to an ear, nose, and throat doctor.

I'm so glad that I followed my intuition. The doctor said that he has fluid behind his ear drums and gave us a referral to another specialist. At this next doctor's office, Henry will do a test to measure how much fluid is behind his tympanic membrane, which will help the doctors decide if he needs tubes in his ears.

I'm really happy about this. Of course, I don't want there to be anything WRONG with Henry... but he does have problems and so I'm glad his problems look like they can be resolved.

I'll let you know how the test goes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The word for the day is "tired." Oh man. I mean, I can function like this, but given the opportunity I would have slept at least half of the day away.

Let me be the first to tell you that you do not get any less tired with your second pregnancy. In fact, I heard that women are more tired with each successive pregnancy. I wonder if that's true, or if it just seems that way, since you have less time for yourself when you have more kids.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Inevitable

First vomit. Brushing my teeth before bed. Goddamnit.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I See Med School In Elise's Future

Elise knows where her head is, where her tummy is, she can find her nose and other people's noses, and she can find other people's eyes. She gets "mouth" for herself and other people sometimes, and she can find her own toes sometimes.

Elise likes noses so much now that when she goes up to one of the cats she no longer reaches for its tail, but instead touches her index finger to the tip of its nose. Super cute.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The World According to Barf

Morning sickness was BAD today. No puking yet, but I'm honestly shocked. I feel so awful.

I've been fantasizing about this giant hammocky swing full of pillows and soft blankets where I can sit all day and be cradled in warmth and soothing calm. Then I think "that sounds oddly like a big womb" and I realize that even in my fantasies I can't escape pregnant thoughts.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Another Trip to the ER

This time for Henry. He grabbed at the automatic door on our minivan just as it was closing and his thumb got smashed in the door.

It was scary. We didn't realize that the door had locked and Husband and I were pulling on the door, trying to make it open. Henry was standing there screaming, trying to pull his hand out of the door, and we couldn't figure out why the door was still closed on his finger. I thought that maybe his hand was shoved in there and jamming the door. But then Husband realized what was going on and reached through and unlocked the door. His thumb looked CRAZY, so we went right to the emergency room.

Henry screamed the whole way there.

His hand was bruised and cut, but no broken bones and no stitches needed. I feel so bad. I was standing RIGHT NEXT TO HIM when it happened. Poor little guy.

He's okay. It was a crummy experience, but he'll heal.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Spy Dinky

Yesterday was a big day for me, not just because James was born but I also got my first glimpse of Dinky.

First ultrasound. I'm definitely pregnant. And my little ball of baby has a heartbeat.

I had to have the kind of ultrasound where they stick a wand up your hooha rather than the one where the rub the device over your belly. Well, the midwife tried the belly one first, but when she couldn't locate the baby she used the up-the-lady-parts wand.

I thought I was almost 8 weeks along, but she thinks that I'm actually about a week earlier. So I'd be 7 weeks now. My period wasn't super predictable yet since I was only just starting to ovulate again since giving birth, so the date of the start of my last menstrual cycle isn't the best indicator for when I got pregnant. Based on the baby's current size, I'm just now 7 weeks along. I'll have another ultrasound at my next OBGYN's visit and they'll compare the new baby measurement to the old one and then give me a more accurate gestational age and due date.

Oh, Dinky! EVERYTHING about you is a suprise!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome, Baby James

James is here! He was born via c-section this morning. He weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. Cute as can be. My sister and new nephew and doing really well.

We're all so happy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cousin James

Sister is in labor! So we'll be meeting cousin James within the next 24 hours or so...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Baby Dream

I had a dream last night that I had the new baby. Husband and I had decided not to find out the baby's sex before it was born, so when the nurse handed me the baby I quickly opened its diaper (it was swaddled in a blanket and wearing a diaper).

A girl!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Present From Elise

Today Elise signed for "potty," I took her, and she did a big pee with lots of farts. YESSSSSSS!!! SHE told ME it was time to go potty, instead of me just guessing when she needs to go. Potty training, here we come!

She's been using her potty chair for a while now, rather than me holding her over the toilet. She likes the potty chair. She sits right down on it as soon as I take her diaper off. Sometimes I have to make the "pssssss" noise to cue her to pee, and sometimes she just goes on her own.

I can say without a doubt that the E.C. has already helped us with potty training. Elise is sooooo much more aware of her body than, say, Henry is. She's very comfortable with using the potty, she knows just what to do with the right cue, and she's naturally learning to eliminate as soon as she sits on the potty. Potty training with Elise at this stage in the game is super stress free.

I know that if I'd really stuck with E.C. and been very consistent, I could probably have Elise mostly out of diapers by now. But our lives were sort of chaotic because of being foster parents. I'm very happy with the successes we've had and the benefit we continue to enjoy from E.C.

Good pottying, Elise!

Baby Burps

I am burping like CRAZY today!

I keep feeling really nauseated, then I'll burp and feel kinda better for a few minutes. Then it builds back up again. Ugh. I keep telling myself, "It's better than actually puking... It's better than actually puking..."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad

Henry gave me an early Valentine's Day present tonight. A giant half-formed, half-diarrhea poop in the bath tub.

It was so disgusting. I can't even begin to imagine how the kids will top the overwhelming grossness of this one.

But they will.

They will.

In other news, Elise has gotten her 5th tooth. Her top left side, next to her left front tooth. The right one is about to pop through, too.

Oh! And I still haven't thrown up. Yay! Queezy? Hells yes. But not even a dry heave yet.

I decided that Elise's new "buggah" word might actually be "brother" and I told Husband about my theory. Then a few minutes later Elise shouted something that sounded exactly like "A GIRL!" so now I don't know anymore.

Whatever it is, it better not poop in the tub. Ever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Feelin' It

Oh yeah. I'm pregnant. I've felt like I'm about to puke all day long. ALL. DAY. LONG. It's made me very cranky.

Go easy on me, Dinky.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Close One

Tonight Elise was breastfeeding as she was getting ready to go to sleep. She would suck, unlatch, suck, unlatch. Her eyes looked heavy. I thought she was fighting off sleep.

Finally, I decided to just lay her in her bed, as the constant sucking and unlatching was getting to be a bit much. I pulled down my shirt and bent over to give her a kiss good night. And just as my lips touched hers...


Then she vomited all over my clothes, herself, and my bed.

Remember that scene in the movie "Stand By Me" where the boys are telling a story and one of them talks about some pie eating contest where one of the contestants pukes into the mouth of another contestant which makes that person throw up and it starts this chain reaction of people puking in each other's mouths? Yeah. I was THIIIIIIIS close to that happening in real life.


So Far So Good

7 weeks! And so far, this pregnancy is going SO much smoother than the first. Perhaps I'm counting my chickens before they hatch, but if I recall correctly I was dry heaving by this point with Elise. I'm getting queezy, but I haven't had to make a dash for the bathroom yet. My spotting has been light and only lasted for a few days, whereas it was much heavier with Elise. And all of my other symptoms, like the night sweats, have seemed less intense.

Oh! And my crotch bulge has already started showing! Do you remember the crotch bulge from before? It's the very start of the baby bump. In the first trimester, a little bump starts to show just above my pubic bone as my uterus grows up and out. No one would notice but Husband and me-- it's not like "what happened to that lady's crotch?" or anything.

I started to notice the crotch bulge around week 10 with Elise. But here I am at week 7 and Dinky is already making an appearance!

Also, just like with Elise, the fat from the lower part of my stomach has begun to migrate up my belly toward my rib cage. I guess the baby is just taking over down there and clearing out the unnecessary extras. Putting my belly fat up in the belly attic.

So, if you saw me naked from the side, you would see some milky mommy boobies, a stomach with the curvy womanliness sitting slightly higher than usual, and then a crotch bulge. Sexy.

Buggah, Buggah, Buggah

Elise has been saying "buggah buggah buggah!" all day today. A few times, she shouted, "booger!!!" which is Husband's least favorite word in the world, so it's pretty weird that she's saying it spontaneously.

Buggah, buggah, buggah!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Origin of Dinky

Okay. Here's how it happened.

Six weeks after Elise was born, I dutifully went on birth control. I took the mini pill, which you can take while breastfeeding. But here's the thing about the mini pill-- you have to take it at the EXACT same time every day, or it doesn't work. And I was really lousy at doing that. Plus, I didn't even get my period until about 7 months after Elise was born. It felt like I was taking the pill for no reason.

I know. I sound like some sort of mental patient trying to justify going off her meds. "I'm fine now! I don't need those pills!" But do you know how HARD it is to actually get pregnant? A LOT of things have to happen just right. And I'm not 18 years old anymore-- my age alone lowers my odds of conceiving.

I decided to stop taking the pills altogether. Here was our logic (yes, Husband was in on it, too): 1) I'm not taking the pills right anyway so they aren't being as effective as they should be; 2) it took us a long time before we got pregnant with Elise so we're clearly not hyper-fertile; 3) we're probably just wasting money on these stupid pills and stressing ourselves out about not taking them at the right time every day; 4) I'm still breastfeeding and even though Elise isn't being breastfed exclusively now, it must offer SOME protection; 5) with three small children in the house, we don't get a whole lot of mommy-daddy time anyhow; 6) even if I did get pregnant, we'd be very surprised but very happy.


We thought that the odds were against us getting pregnant again so soon. But we won the baby lottery! Jackpot! My baby pump was primed, as Husband said. Dinky was meant to be.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy 11 Months!

Oh, Elisey! 11 months! You're already walking, signing, saying words, throwing temper tantrums, eating regular food, giving kisses. And now you're going to be a big sister. So much has changed!

Except for one thing. You are still my sweet Beastie and I love you with all my heart.

Minivan Acquired

We bought a minivan today. 2005 Toyota Sienna. 8 passenger. I haven't even seen it yet, but I trust that Husband made a good choice.

We were looking only at Odyessys or Siennas. This Sienna was nearby and in our price range.

I'm sooooo excited to be able to take the whole family out in one vehicle. We can read together in the car again! Husband said that 4 car seats will fit easily in the back. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mommy Van

Husband and I are looking at minivans. Because that's where we are in life. We need to haul around lots of kids and all of their crap. Right now, if we want to go out with all of the kids, we have to take two cars because the kids all need car seats and you can't fit three car seats in the back of one car. We need a car and a half. We need a minivan.

Those tiny little people we call "babies" sure take up a LOT of space.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Slight Queeze; Elise Feeding Cheerios; Foster Weirdo

Today I have had some slight queeziness. Morning sickness is right around the corner. If I weren't so tired I would run out and stuff myself with pad thai and dark chocolate, as a fond farewell to delicious food.

Elise, on the other hand, would stuff me full of Cheerios given the opportunity. Husband convinced her to feed him Cheerios the other day, and now she wants to share them at every chance she gets. It's cute.

Good thing I got a big dose of cute this morning, because this afternoon was heavy on the not-cute. I had to take Henry for some shots after lunch today. No fun. And on top of that, I met this super-weird foster mom at Henry's doctor's office. I'll spare you the details, but basically if you think of every negative stereotype of a foster parent that popular culture has provided you with, that was this lady. I truly feel sorry for any kid that gets placed in her house. Husband and I might not be the best parents in the world, but we are a far cry from that nut job. Anyone who justifies yelling obscenities at a kid by saying, "I told her she was ACTING like an asshole, I didn't say she WAS an asshole-- there's a difference, you know?" probably shouldn't be licensed to deal with abused children. And she's telling this to a total stranger, mind you.

Ugh. If she hadn't told me that her licensed might get pulled, I'd have told my licensing agent about her myself.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glad This Week Is Over

What a crazy week. On Monday I got a call from the day care that Georgia has pink eye and I had to go get her and bring her home. On Tuesday I had a hellacious morning at Georgia's doctor's office and then she was diagnosed with pink eye and two ear infections. On Wednesday I took Elise to her doctor's office and she, too, was diagnosed with two ear infections. Then Wednesday night we had our trip to the ER... during which time, in the waiting room, Elise befriended an old drunk man on crutches who had no teeth. She seriuosly adored him. Thursday was a home visit from the kids' case manager, where we got a whole lot more "we don't really know what's going on yet." Then Friday was back to Georgia's doctor's office for some shots.

Sucky week.

Also, since I found out I'm pregnant I've lost two pounds. Normally I'd be thrilled about the weight loss. But this isn't really the best time for it. I guess that feeding two extra people with my body is taking its toll.

I'm eating like CRAZY though. Three full meals plus two snacks every day. I thought for sure I'd be gaining weight.

It IS kind of nice to be able to eat massive amounts of food and not have to worry about gaining weight.

I'm just afraid that once my morning sickness starts, I won't make enough milk to feed Elise. Or that if I have to go on that medicine again, I'll have to stop breast feeding her. I'm trying not to think about that too much, because it gets me upset.

Oh yeah. I'm getting all emotional. Hormones! Mood swings, slow digestion, and night sweats are all back.

But tomorrow is a new day. And when you're taking care of four babies, all you can do is take life one day at a time.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Getting Veeeeeeery Sleeeeeeepyyyy

The tireds are starting. I've been so tired yesterday and today. So tired. I even got to sleep in a bit today (until 8:00!) and that didn't help at all.

Hello again, first trimester.

Friday, February 4, 2011

6 weeks!

Happy 6 weeks in my belly, Dinky!

Husband and I have given the baby its fetus name-- Dinky. Elise's fetus name was Speck, you'll recall. My dad said that if the baby turns out to be a boy, he might not appreciate the name Dinky. But I think he'll just be glad we didn't call him Teeny Weeny and leave it at that.

When I was 6 weeks pregnant with Elise, I FELT pregnant. Everything about pregnancy was new and I could really focus on my body and the changes it was going through. Now, I have 3 babies to take care of so I can't turn my attention inward as often. Plus, my memories of pregnancy are of feeling very sick and very uncomfortable and awkward. I don't feel those things yet, so I don't really feel like there's a baby inside me.

The only ways that I feel different so far are that I can tell that my digestive system is starting to slow down and my belly button is already starting to pop out. I think my belly button is popping because my digestive system is staying fuller longer and it's popping my hernia out a bit. I'm slightly more gassy with some burps and farts, my body's usual bathroom rhythms are different now, and I feel fuller after I eat. So I guess that there are hormones bopping around in my body, changing the way things work. Nothing dramatic, though.

So far, so good.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


The other night Husband and I were talking about our family plan for children and he realized that I want more kids than he does.

Husband: I love you. I love you, and I will never divorce you. But I WILL run away.

Me: You'll run away?

H: Probably to Mexico.

M: Well, at least I'll know where to start looking for you.

H: Mexico's really hot. Maybe I won't go to Mexico.

M: Canada, then?

H: I will run away to Canada. I'm serious about that.

Then tonight we were watching episodes of an old tv show called "Freaks and Geeks" and talking about the kid who plays the younger brother.

M: He's so adorable!

H: He really is.

M: He's so cute, I want to breast feed him. That's what I want to do to cute things now. I want to breast feed them. No matter what it is. Like, awww, a cute kitten-- I should breast feed it.

H: Yeah. Or Justin Bieber.

M: Yeah. Or Justin Bieber.

Baby's First Trip to the ER

She's fine.

Elise's little umbilical hernia got all discolored and bulging, so I took her to the emergency room tonight. 4 1/2 hours, one ultrasound, and 2 x-rays later, the diagnosis is that she has some sweet little baby belly fat trapped in front of the hole of her hernia and as the hole is closing, it's killing the fat. The fat is dying, and as it dies it's bleeding and making what looks like a bruise. The doctor said that this isn't common, but that she'll be fine. It will probably hurt her a bit, but she'll heal and her body will take care of the dead fat cells.

I'm insanely tired. Just know that Elise is okay, emergency waiting rooms are full of wacky, wacky people, and Elise made friends tonight with every single person who would make eye contact with her.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A List Detailing Why Today Sucked

1. I am sick. I'm congested, I have a cough, I have a headache. On top of that, Elise got horrible sleep last night, which means I got horrible sleep, which means my body has had no time to heal itself. And since I'm pregnant, there's not really any medicine that I can take to make myself feel better.

2. I had to take Georiga to the doctor this morning as a walk-in. Her doctor's office is soooooo inefficient. I had Georgia and Elise with me, all of us sick. And I was at the doctor's office for nearly 3 1/2 hours. I got up early as could be this morning and we were the FIRST walk-in patients. But we still waited over 3 hours.

We were in the waiting room for two hours. I sang, I danced, I clapped, I tipped the babies upside down-- anything to keep them happy. And as we got called to the back, a man who had been sitting near us said to me, "Good job!" That was nice.

Then we spent another HOUR waiting in the exam room for the doctor. Yep. Georgia has pink eye. And two ear infections, it turns out.

3. Husband has pink eye now, too. It started this morning.

4. Elise will have to go to her doctor tomorrow; she has a fever and a terrible cough and runny nose. Given Georgia's secret ear infections (she doesn't even have a fever), I got concerned for Elise and made her an appointment.

5. I started bleeding today. I had bleeding during my pregnancy with Elise, too, you'll recall. Now that I've been through it once, I didn't freak out. I know that my body can carry a pregnancy full-term. If I'm miscarrying now, it's probably because the baby isn't forming correctly, and there's nothing I can do about that. I just have to wait and see if the baby sticks around or not. That's what's hard about the bleeding-- once it begins you just have to wait and see if it's going to get heavier or stop. So I'm waiting to see.

Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.