Friday, February 4, 2011

6 weeks!

Happy 6 weeks in my belly, Dinky!

Husband and I have given the baby its fetus name-- Dinky. Elise's fetus name was Speck, you'll recall. My dad said that if the baby turns out to be a boy, he might not appreciate the name Dinky. But I think he'll just be glad we didn't call him Teeny Weeny and leave it at that.

When I was 6 weeks pregnant with Elise, I FELT pregnant. Everything about pregnancy was new and I could really focus on my body and the changes it was going through. Now, I have 3 babies to take care of so I can't turn my attention inward as often. Plus, my memories of pregnancy are of feeling very sick and very uncomfortable and awkward. I don't feel those things yet, so I don't really feel like there's a baby inside me.

The only ways that I feel different so far are that I can tell that my digestive system is starting to slow down and my belly button is already starting to pop out. I think my belly button is popping because my digestive system is staying fuller longer and it's popping my hernia out a bit. I'm slightly more gassy with some burps and farts, my body's usual bathroom rhythms are different now, and I feel fuller after I eat. So I guess that there are hormones bopping around in my body, changing the way things work. Nothing dramatic, though.

So far, so good.

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