Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby's First Trip to the ER

She's fine.

Elise's little umbilical hernia got all discolored and bulging, so I took her to the emergency room tonight. 4 1/2 hours, one ultrasound, and 2 x-rays later, the diagnosis is that she has some sweet little baby belly fat trapped in front of the hole of her hernia and as the hole is closing, it's killing the fat. The fat is dying, and as it dies it's bleeding and making what looks like a bruise. The doctor said that this isn't common, but that she'll be fine. It will probably hurt her a bit, but she'll heal and her body will take care of the dead fat cells.

I'm insanely tired. Just know that Elise is okay, emergency waiting rooms are full of wacky, wacky people, and Elise made friends tonight with every single person who would make eye contact with her.

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