Friday, February 11, 2011

Close One

Tonight Elise was breastfeeding as she was getting ready to go to sleep. She would suck, unlatch, suck, unlatch. Her eyes looked heavy. I thought she was fighting off sleep.

Finally, I decided to just lay her in her bed, as the constant sucking and unlatching was getting to be a bit much. I pulled down my shirt and bent over to give her a kiss good night. And just as my lips touched hers...


Then she vomited all over my clothes, herself, and my bed.

Remember that scene in the movie "Stand By Me" where the boys are telling a story and one of them talks about some pie eating contest where one of the contestants pukes into the mouth of another contestant which makes that person throw up and it starts this chain reaction of people puking in each other's mouths? Yeah. I was THIIIIIIIS close to that happening in real life.


1 comment:

  1. Ewwwww! The only time Andy has vomited (i.e., not just milk spit up) was the other day when I fed him those Gerber yogurt/fruit snacks. I tasted one also and almost did the same. Ech!
