Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A List Detailing Why Today Sucked

1. I am sick. I'm congested, I have a cough, I have a headache. On top of that, Elise got horrible sleep last night, which means I got horrible sleep, which means my body has had no time to heal itself. And since I'm pregnant, there's not really any medicine that I can take to make myself feel better.

2. I had to take Georiga to the doctor this morning as a walk-in. Her doctor's office is soooooo inefficient. I had Georgia and Elise with me, all of us sick. And I was at the doctor's office for nearly 3 1/2 hours. I got up early as could be this morning and we were the FIRST walk-in patients. But we still waited over 3 hours.

We were in the waiting room for two hours. I sang, I danced, I clapped, I tipped the babies upside down-- anything to keep them happy. And as we got called to the back, a man who had been sitting near us said to me, "Good job!" That was nice.

Then we spent another HOUR waiting in the exam room for the doctor. Yep. Georgia has pink eye. And two ear infections, it turns out.

3. Husband has pink eye now, too. It started this morning.

4. Elise will have to go to her doctor tomorrow; she has a fever and a terrible cough and runny nose. Given Georgia's secret ear infections (she doesn't even have a fever), I got concerned for Elise and made her an appointment.

5. I started bleeding today. I had bleeding during my pregnancy with Elise, too, you'll recall. Now that I've been through it once, I didn't freak out. I know that my body can carry a pregnancy full-term. If I'm miscarrying now, it's probably because the baby isn't forming correctly, and there's nothing I can do about that. I just have to wait and see if the baby sticks around or not. That's what's hard about the bleeding-- once it begins you just have to wait and see if it's going to get heavier or stop. So I'm waiting to see.

Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.

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