Monday, February 7, 2011

Slight Queeze; Elise Feeding Cheerios; Foster Weirdo

Today I have had some slight queeziness. Morning sickness is right around the corner. If I weren't so tired I would run out and stuff myself with pad thai and dark chocolate, as a fond farewell to delicious food.

Elise, on the other hand, would stuff me full of Cheerios given the opportunity. Husband convinced her to feed him Cheerios the other day, and now she wants to share them at every chance she gets. It's cute.

Good thing I got a big dose of cute this morning, because this afternoon was heavy on the not-cute. I had to take Henry for some shots after lunch today. No fun. And on top of that, I met this super-weird foster mom at Henry's doctor's office. I'll spare you the details, but basically if you think of every negative stereotype of a foster parent that popular culture has provided you with, that was this lady. I truly feel sorry for any kid that gets placed in her house. Husband and I might not be the best parents in the world, but we are a far cry from that nut job. Anyone who justifies yelling obscenities at a kid by saying, "I told her she was ACTING like an asshole, I didn't say she WAS an asshole-- there's a difference, you know?" probably shouldn't be licensed to deal with abused children. And she's telling this to a total stranger, mind you.

Ugh. If she hadn't told me that her licensed might get pulled, I'd have told my licensing agent about her myself.

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