Sunday, February 6, 2011

Glad This Week Is Over

What a crazy week. On Monday I got a call from the day care that Georgia has pink eye and I had to go get her and bring her home. On Tuesday I had a hellacious morning at Georgia's doctor's office and then she was diagnosed with pink eye and two ear infections. On Wednesday I took Elise to her doctor's office and she, too, was diagnosed with two ear infections. Then Wednesday night we had our trip to the ER... during which time, in the waiting room, Elise befriended an old drunk man on crutches who had no teeth. She seriuosly adored him. Thursday was a home visit from the kids' case manager, where we got a whole lot more "we don't really know what's going on yet." Then Friday was back to Georgia's doctor's office for some shots.

Sucky week.

Also, since I found out I'm pregnant I've lost two pounds. Normally I'd be thrilled about the weight loss. But this isn't really the best time for it. I guess that feeding two extra people with my body is taking its toll.

I'm eating like CRAZY though. Three full meals plus two snacks every day. I thought for sure I'd be gaining weight.

It IS kind of nice to be able to eat massive amounts of food and not have to worry about gaining weight.

I'm just afraid that once my morning sickness starts, I won't make enough milk to feed Elise. Or that if I have to go on that medicine again, I'll have to stop breast feeding her. I'm trying not to think about that too much, because it gets me upset.

Oh yeah. I'm getting all emotional. Hormones! Mood swings, slow digestion, and night sweats are all back.

But tomorrow is a new day. And when you're taking care of four babies, all you can do is take life one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I just found out that you're pregnant again! Thank god for blogs! <3
