Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Origin of Dinky

Okay. Here's how it happened.

Six weeks after Elise was born, I dutifully went on birth control. I took the mini pill, which you can take while breastfeeding. But here's the thing about the mini pill-- you have to take it at the EXACT same time every day, or it doesn't work. And I was really lousy at doing that. Plus, I didn't even get my period until about 7 months after Elise was born. It felt like I was taking the pill for no reason.

I know. I sound like some sort of mental patient trying to justify going off her meds. "I'm fine now! I don't need those pills!" But do you know how HARD it is to actually get pregnant? A LOT of things have to happen just right. And I'm not 18 years old anymore-- my age alone lowers my odds of conceiving.

I decided to stop taking the pills altogether. Here was our logic (yes, Husband was in on it, too): 1) I'm not taking the pills right anyway so they aren't being as effective as they should be; 2) it took us a long time before we got pregnant with Elise so we're clearly not hyper-fertile; 3) we're probably just wasting money on these stupid pills and stressing ourselves out about not taking them at the right time every day; 4) I'm still breastfeeding and even though Elise isn't being breastfed exclusively now, it must offer SOME protection; 5) with three small children in the house, we don't get a whole lot of mommy-daddy time anyhow; 6) even if I did get pregnant, we'd be very surprised but very happy.


We thought that the odds were against us getting pregnant again so soon. But we won the baby lottery! Jackpot! My baby pump was primed, as Husband said. Dinky was meant to be.

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