Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's Sad

Apparently Henry and Georgia's mom got the news recently that things aren't going so well for her case and it's looking unlikely that she'll get her kids back anytime soon, if ever. As I've said before, she's a very nice person. I feel so bad for her. I can't imagine someone telling me that I'm incapable of parenting my children. That they'd be better off living with someone else. There's no doubt that she loves her kids and wants to be with them. It's really, really sad.

We met the kids' grandma recently. Their mom's mom. She was there during a visit we had with their older sister, Susannah. I'll call this grandma Granny B. Well, Granny B seems nice and very friendly. Of course, this is simply our first impression of her. There was a time in her life when she made some poor choices and had her own kids removed from her and placed in the foster care system. Granny B got her kids back, though. Henry and Georgia's mom was in foster care while she was growing up, and now her own kids are in foster care. It's a terrible cycle. I just hope that the cycle can be broken for Susannah, Henry, Georgia, Eve, and the new baby. I hope that they all can be given better opportunities, a stronger support system, and more positive role models than their mother and their grandmother had.

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