Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tax Return Fraud; It's Not A Big Deal


Someone else has claimed one or both of the foster kids as dependents on their tax return. Bastards! The kids have lived with us for over a year, so there is NO WAY it is an innocent mistake. Basically, this is going to delay our tax return. We'll have to provide proof that the kids live with us and also that we take care of them-- the guardianship letter from the State and a doctor's bill or day care bill or something like that.

I'm so annoyed. A family member could be claiming them. Someone could have sold their social security numbers so that another person can claim them as dependents (this is a popular thing to do as of late, apparently). Or someone could have stolen the numbers somehow. Who knows.



Tonight as I was tucking Elise into bed she pinched me.

"Ow, Elise!"

"Happy Mommy?"

"No. I'm sad."


"No. Sad. When you hurt me on purpose it makes me sad. It makes me feel like I want to cry."

Her voice got super sweet. "Oh, Mommy." (pause) "I love you, Mommy."

Yes! I got through to her, I think to myself. And then...

"It's not a big deal, though, Mommy."

"It is a big deal. It makes me sad when you hurt me."

"No, Mommy. It's not a big deal. Just... um... just eat something. Spaghetti. Yeah. Eat some spaghetti, Mommy. Go."

Great. My two year old is encouraging me to be an emotional eater.

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