Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Bathing Arrangements

Clark has been taking his baths in the kitchen sink. He's too big for our baby bathtub, which is what Elise used until well after she could sit up on her own. Clark can't sit up on his own yet, but he's way too big to lay down in the baby tub. Now I sit him in the sink and it's small enough and deep enough that he can stay upright without too much of my support.

Clark loves sitting in the water in the sink. He splashes like CRAZY and grabs at the faucet. Soon he'll be too big for the sink, too, so he'd better learn to sit up on his own before too much longer so that I can start bathing him in the regular bathtub. Man. Having a big baby creates strange and unforeseen logistical problems.

P.S. Cute thing that Georgia said today: she saw a lizard and excitedly shouted, "Dinosaur!!!" I didn't correct her.

1 comment:

  1. We taught Andy that lizards are little dinosaurs. He likes to sneak up on them and touch their tails.
