Friday, October 30, 2009

Except I'm Not Made Of Latex

I feel like a balloon that is slowly but steadily being blown up.

Last night my stomach skin felt like it was being stretched. It was uncomfortable. Most of the stomach stretchy feelings that I've had so far have been in my muscles. The way my tummy aches makes me say to Husband, "My uterus is growning again." But this feeling of my skin stretching is just weird.

I got worried last night, thinking, "I must be about to get stretch marks." And then in an irrational fit brought on by exhaustion, I thought, "Or maybe my skin will just split right open. The baby will hatch out of my belly like a chick out of an egg. Has that ever happened? I bet it has. I should Google it. Wait. Do I really want to know? Probably not. I should just go to sleep."


  1. Don't worry. You won't explode. Rubbing shea butter or cocoa butter might help that feeling a bit. The cocoa butter weirds me out because it makes me smell like weird candy. I have some nice Jergens shea butter.

  2. We try to butter me up every night. I drink lots of water, too, to hydrate my skin from the inside. I guess there's just more stretching going on some nights than others. :(
