Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Choice Of Prenatal Healthcare Providers

I don't know if I've fully explained this before in another post, so let me clarify.

The practice where I get my prenatal care has both OBGYNs and midwives (and nurses that work in the office). Every patient is assigned an OBGYN and the patients meet with their OBGYN several times throughout the pregnancy. The OBGYNs make the decisions regarding medication and that sort of thing. So my OBGYN had to prescribe the anti-nausea medicine for me-- a midwife didn't do it.

The patients also get to meet with each of the midwives during their pregnancy. When it's time to have the baby, whichever midwife is on call arrives at the hospital and helps you deliver it. If there are complications or you need a c-section, your assigned OBGYN delivers the baby.

I like this setup. It's kind of the best of both worlds, in my opinion. If the birth goes smoothly, I'd prefer to have a midwife help me deliver. Childbirth is a natural process and blah blah blah (yes, I've watched The Business of Being Born by Ricki Lake, why do you ask?) so why have a doctor there if one isn't needed? At the same time, if I DO need medical intervention, I already know my doctor and trust her.


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