Monday, December 14, 2009

Newborn Clothes Inventory

Husband and I took an inventory of our newborn baby clothes last night. We have 9 little outfits.

How many outfits does a newborn baby wear each day? Two? Do I not even have a week's worth of clothes? We have 5 onesies (one is longsleeved), a pair of pants, two one piece outfits with footies, and two outfits without footies. Oh, and two little hats.

Don't worry, Baby. You won't go naked. We'll get some more clothes.


  1. You'll have some more very soon.

  2. I wouldnt get too many newborn clothes. The baby grows really fast or your baby might be born bigger than nb clothes will fit. I'd highly recommend long sleeves with cuffs, so you can turn the sleeves into mittens. And we have a buncha mittens you guys can have. DD only wore one pair and ripped them off. You are also welcomed to all her other clothes too if youre having a girl.

  3. People will give you clothes regardless if you ask for them. Seriously. We have drawers full of clothes we didn't buy.
