Friday, December 11, 2009

Pregnant Ladies Need Extra Pillows

I've realized that the most comfortable way for me to sleep right now requires extra pillows. I like to lie not-quite on my back and not-quite on my side. Sort of a 45 degree angle. So I need a pillow for my head, a pillow behind my back, a pillow under my belly, and ideally I'd also have a pillow between my knees.

Husband let me use one of his pillows last night to help construct the aforementioned sleep-nest and I seriously got better sleep because of it. I'd say that I only woke up 4 times during the night instead of 6. And, hey, that's a huge improvement in my book.

Sleep deprivation makes people crazy, you know. It's a torture tactic. I'm just saying that pregnant ladies are definitely entitled to a few emotional outbursts and/or fits of narcoleptic behavior. And they are also entitled to all of the extra pillows in the house. Without question.


  1. Benzo thought I was crazy to sleep with a ton of pillows like that! I'm showing him this post. While I was in labor they padded me up with a lot of pillows like this too. It made things a little more homey :)

  2. Oh man, had that sleep induced crazy wave come crashing in last night.
