Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Balls

I've mentioned that Elise is afraid of balloons. Have I told you that she's afraid of balls, too? Anything balloon-sized or larger.

Today I decided to take Elise to the library to kill some time. I usually have the minivan if I have errands planned, but I had the car today. I buckled Elise into a car seat and started driving across town.

About 30 seconds into the trip, Elise starts fussing. Not her "I'm hurt" cry but her "I'm either scared or frustrated" cry. I couldn't get her to stop. I sang and talked about going bye-bye. Nothing lightened the mood. It was non-stop crying from the back seat.

Elise kept looking to her right, so I figured there must be a spider or some kind of bug that was freaking her out. At every light, I was reaching behind my seat, swatting all around her, wiping at her car seat.

And then I see it.

On the floor in the back. A big, green bouncy ball, from when Husband played outside with Henry the other day.

I put the ball up front, out of her sight, and she was magically perfectly okay after that. Boop! The crying shut off like a radio knob had just been dialed down.

Silly baby.


  1. that is such a funny phobia... i have never heard of that. i could imagine it maybe if she was, like, hit in the face with a ball one time. but still. silly baby is right!

  2. i know! it's totally random and i can't imagine why she has this strange fear. color, shiny or not shiny, texture... none of it matters. it's the roundness.

    i knew someone once (an adult) who was phobic about sunflowers. she didn't know why, but they seriously freaked her out. so i guess people can be afraid of anything.

    hopefully Elise will outgrow this, though!
