Sunday, May 15, 2011

Whatever I Can Think of Mentioning...

Notes again.

* Potty training break through with Henry. He picked up Elise's sign language sign for "potty" and now he tells us (sometimes) when he has to go to the bathroom. He's still not ready for regular underpants, but we no longer have to make random guesses about when to sit him on the potty chair.

* Elise flipped off the bed tonight. Once again, Husband was paranoid that she had suffered a concussion and wouldn't let her sleep afterward. Husband woke her up from a post-head-bonk nap with Peekaboo Barn. She was WIDE awake for that. Clearly no lasting head trauma.

* We met baby Eve finally. She's the tiniest thing. I don't think she looks much like Georgia and Henry, but her face is still kind of newborn-like and skinny. I bet that once it fills out, she'll look just like them.

* Elise has learned what a horse says. Kind of. I've been telling her "neigh, neigh" but she has interpreted that and repeats it as "no, no." What does a horse say? No, no.

* I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant by this guy who looked just like the actor who plays Silas on the tv show "Weeds." I also had a regular boyfriend, another boyfriend, and a girlfriend. They were all fine with the fact that I was pregnant by some other guy. The Silas look-alike was so super nice to me that I was considering seeing him exclusively after the baby was born.

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