Sunday, November 22, 2009

Aaaaaaah! Pregnancy Massage!

I got my pregnancy massage today. It was great. This was the second (professional) massage I've ever gotten. Husband and I did a couples massage about a year ago for some sort of anniversary or something. I made Husband come in the room with me today... I don't know why, but I felt better having him there.

I thought that I'd need to have the massage lying on my side, since I can't lay on my stomach anymore. But there was this big foam pillow contraption on top of the regular massage table that had a depression for my belly. So I lied down on my stomach, with my face in that doughnut shaped pillow thing that lets you stare at the floor. It felt strangely good to be able to lie on my stomach again. The baby, however, seemed a bit confused by it. First, baby kicked a bunch at my left side, and realizing that there was a firm pillow there, moved to my right side to check it out. Baby seemed concerned that there was something firm on that side, too, and kicked over there for a while. Then Baby started kicking at the middle. There was less resistance in the middle because my hips were supporting most of the weight against the pillow and my belly was dangling, so I got fewer kicks and Baby settled into a comfortable position.

I'm not very good at getting massages. I can't really relax. I'm too self-conscious. It feels slightly awkward, having a stranger rub on my bare skin. I kept thinking things like "I hope I didn't miss any spots when I was shaving" and "I hope my feet don't smell." I had to remind myself over and over "you're not on a date, this man is being paid to touch you." And I'm sure he's encountered hairier, smellier, cellulite-ier people than me.

Other things that kept going through my head during the massage:

1. These are the softest man hands I have ever felt in my life. If they weren't so big, I'd think I was being rubbed down by a young girl.

2. Oh my god. I just drooled onto the floor. (This happened twice. I'd start to relax a little bit and then gravity would take over. I don't think anyone noticed.)

3. Don't fart. Don't fart. Don't fart.

I wanted the guy to rub my butt, but I didn't think that I should ask. He might have taken it the wrong way. Or Husband might have, since he was sitting right there. I think it would have helped ease the pain in my lower back, though. My lower back still hurts, but my shoulders feel awesome. It was well worth it. Thanks again, Husband!

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