Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pregnancy Symptom: Charlie Horse

I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a painful cramp in my right calf. The kind of pain that makes you sit up and yell something like, "Jesus F---ing CHRIST!" before you even know you're awake and without regard for your sleeping husband or the 3 year old sleeping one room away. I flexed my foot and rolled my ankle and hobbled around my bedroom for a bit until the intensity of the pain subsided enough to let me get back to sleep. I'm still slightly sore today.

I looked up leg cramps in my pregnant lady book this morning. And guess what? Oh, joy! They are a common problem for pregnant women during their second and third trimesters. Because as I said before, everything painful or gross or bad that can happen to a woman's body is a symptom of pregnancy.


  1. Sorry to tell you, but with only 3 weeks remaining in my pregnancy, I'm still getting charlie horses. I find that pumping the body full of water really helps.

  2. i'll try ANYTHING! water, stretching, i'll eat 80 bananas every day... that cramp hurt so bad.

    you're only 3 weeks from D-day?!? i'm so excited for you!

  3. when you lay on your back, your uterus is putting pressure on a major artery that brings blood to your legs. that causes your legs to fall asleep a lot and those charlie horses

  4. really??? i DID wake up that night on my back. or at least i think i did. i was sitting up when i woke up, but i think i sat straight up and so i must have been sleeping on my back.

    i will tell myself every night before i go to sleep not to sleep on my back. maybe that will help.

  5. As you get further along, you'll definitely know when you've rolled onto your back. Everytime I rolled onto my back, I'd wake up with cramps in my leg or my leg being DEAD asleep. And of course I'd wake Benzo up because I had to transfer my pain to him too :P
