Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Phat Momma

(Bet you haven't seen "phat" in a while, huh? Since the mid-90s, maybe?)

I've put on 10 pounds (over my pre-pregnancy weight) so far. Not bad. Considering that the baby weighs about 1 pound right now, my boobs have added at least another pound, and I'm filling up with amniotic fluid and extra blood, I'd say that I'm pretty much on track. If I keep gaining one pound per week until the baby arrives, I'll have gained 28 pounds. That's within the normal range. Even though it sounds like a lot, I know that I'll lose about half of it as soon as the baby is born.

Don't worry, Baby. I'll make sure you're nice and plump by the time you arrive.


  1. I've gained 33 so far at 38 weeks, but managed to stay in pre-pregnancy pants until last week (with an elastic band instead of buttons). It's not all that bad. You feel awful thinking about being that heavy, but you ARE pregnant so it's ok.

  2. i'm jealous. my pre-pregnancy pants are not going to make it that long. my hips are getting wider and fatter already. i've already "retired" half of my wardrobe and given a bunch of stuff to my sister.

    i asked a midwife yesterday at my monthly check up about my weight gain. here i am, freaking out about it, worrying over every little thing that i put into my mouth (not that it stops me from having the occasional piece of pie or bowl of frozen yogurt-- i just feel guilty about it afterward). and the midwife looks at my chart, says, "you've gained 4 pounds since your visit 4 weeks ago. perfect. just don't eat a pint of ice cream every night and you'll be fine. some women do that, you know. but you're on track. you should gain around 30 pounds for someone your size."

    ok. so i'll quit worrying. it's shocking to see the scale go up every time you step on it... but like you said, i AM pregnant.
