Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dream Baby

I had 3 separate dreams last night that my baby will be a boy. My conscious brain, though, thinks it's a girl. I wonder who's right!

I was thinking right before bed about how someone I know will be having a boy soon, so maybe that influenced my dreams.

Well, we have boy AND girl names picked out, so Husband and I are prepared either way.


  1. I hope my baby girl doesn't turn out to be a boy. (I'm still skeptical about the ultrasound image) We don't have a boy name picked out if the ultrasound was in fact wrong.

  2. eeeek! do they get to check the gender again before the baby arrives? i'll rush to the hospital with my baby name books if it turns out to be a boy.

  3. they only do a third sonogram if its necessary. I'm not getting another one, so we'll have to wait until the baby pops out to confirm :)
