Thursday, August 20, 2009

Prenatal Vitamins

Have you seen these things? They're horse pills. No fun to swallow when I'm already feeling like I might throw up. Plus, they add to my queeziness. I keep trying to find a good time to take them. I started out in the morning, which was fine before the morning sickness began. But then once I was throwing up, I realized that I might as well just toss them in the toilet directly if I were to keep taking them with breakfast. So I tried lunchtime... but taking my vitamin at lunchtime made me feel horribly sick. Now I'm taking it with dinner, because I can at least lie down after dinner.

One of my pregnant friends said that prenatal vitamins make her too sick and she's taking Flintstones vitamins instead. Lucky!


  1. i heard that if you your prenatal vitamins make you sick that you should take them right before you go to bed at night. it sound like your headed in that direction.-your favorite sister

  2. Ask your doctor if you're supposed to chew them. At least some of them are supposed to be chewed. Then you can eat them with a big meal and it should help too. Someone I know has the chewable kind.

  3. They really shouldn't make vomiting pregnant women take huge pills.

  4. do the chewable kind taste good? because the kind i have are coated in this gross faux vanilla flavor... yuck. i don't think that i could chew them if i wanted to.

    i'll ask about the chewables at my next visit. :)

  5. The Flintstones with extra iron are good. The midwives recommended them after I tried three different types of prenatals. Also, they should make prenatals into smaller pills and have you take like two instead of one giant one!

  6. yes! or liquid. or some kind of butter that you can spread on toast.
