Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finger Foods!

Elise started finger foods tonight. We gave her little chopped up pieces of banana. She didn't actually feed herself-- they were too slippery for her to pick up. But I fed her pieces off MY finger and she chewed them with her little gums.

She made a horrible face at tasting the first piece of banana. Twisted her head and straightened her back, but no arm flapping. She's had banana many times before (mashed up), so I thought her reaction was strange. At first I thought, "Oh, she's not ready for this." But then I saw her chewing. She ate the piece of banana. So I gave her more. She did fine after the first few bites.

Also today, Elise watched Husband eat lunch with this weird intensity. Then she started chomping her jaws and smacking her lips. So we're going to start her on small lunches. We're thinking finger food lunches. We'll offer Elise some more banana pieces tomorrow at lunchtime. See how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Totally cool! Andy loves watching people eat and has been doing chewing motions for a month or so. Recently, he started making chewing motions at meal times, even when we're not eating in front of him. Maybe he smells food being made or is just used to the time of day we eat? It's pretty cool. I wonder if there is some less slippery finger food she could try? I guess you could let her stick her fingers into her mashed food and feed herself off her fingers. That would be fun!
