Friday, October 1, 2010

Busy Day

We were very busy today, Elise and I. Got up early, Elise had some nanacado for breakfast, then we met a baby and mommy friend for a walk. Elise likes taking walks and often narrates the entire event as it unfolds.

Later on, we had someone come look at the house. Although they stayed for a decent amount of time to look around, I can tell that they are not our buyers. I have a certain idea in my head of what our buyers will be like, and the people today are not it.

After that, Elise had her first taste of butternut squash. Loved it. She ate her first serving really fast. Then I gave her some more mixed with green beans, which she liked also, but toward the end her toofies started to hurt and she got very upset. Poor baby. A teething ring and some Orajel helped, but ultimately she just needed to sleep it off with a nap.

Right before bed, Elise did some fantastic crawling. Her skillz improve every day. It's really amazing to see. You can practically watch her muscles growing.

And that was our day. Now Elise is asleep, so I'm going to go watch a movie.

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