Thursday, October 21, 2010


I am a sleeeeeeepy mommy. Elise hasn't been sleeping well the past couple of nights, and I've been breaking all the rules by picking her up in the middle of the night and putting her in bed with me. Feeding her. Whatever she wants. I'm too tired to care. Babies want consistency, but mommies NEED sleep.

Elise got her second flu shot yesterday (babies have to get two flu shots at least 30 days apart the first time they're vaccinated) and I wonder if that has had anything to do with her weird sleeping habits yesterday and today. It seems like she's sleeping longer during the day, but less at night.

Elise's sleeping habits are forever changing. As soon as I think I've figured out her routine, she changes it. Lately, we lie down at 8pm, and it takes her up to an hour to fall asleep. Then she wakes up around 11pm and fusses for a long while. She wakes up at about 2:30am to eat, and again at about 5:30am. She goes back to sleep for a bit, then we're up for the day around 7am. She used to sleep straight through for long stretches, but she's up every few hours now. I don't know why. It's practically like having a newborn again.

Of course, now that I wrote that all down, it's bound to change.

1 comment:

  1. At 4 months Andy was sleeping through the night (6 hours; from 9pm to 3am). At that time he could also go about 3 hours between daytime feedings was when he was home with his Daddy- he could chug a bottle of breast milk and be good for awhile. But now that he's 6 months he is up 4 or 5 times a night to breast feed. We usually put Andy in bed with us after the 4th feeding or so, because I'm too delirious to get him back to his crib probably. His sleep schedule is from 7pm-7am or 8pm-8am. He is only napping about an hour total during the daytime (2 to 3 naps; each 15 to 30 min). I counted the number of times he breast fed the other day: 12 times. It is certainly like having a newborn again. I feel the same way about figuring out his sleeping patterns-- as soon as I realize that we've had about 3 or 4 consistent days, it changes again.
