Monday, October 4, 2010

Head Banger

Now that Elise can scoot around on the floor, her little head is in constant jeopardy. She falls to one side or the other as she tries to crawl and sit up. And most dangerous of all is her new-found ability to pull her upper body off the ground by grabbing hold of furniture or a person.

Just yesterday, she crawled over to her dresser, walked her hands up the drawers until she was in a position like she was kneeling... and then lost her balance and fell headlong into the dresser and bumped her head. Boy did she howl after that. Poor baby!

We had to lower her bassinet, too, because she started to pull up on the sides. Now she sleeps in the regular playpen part. I tried putting her in her crib the other day during a daytime nap, but she rolls around so much and kept hitting her little noggin on the wooden bars. So the playpen is fine for now, as she can't hurt herself on the mesh sides.

Maybe I should get her a football helmet for Christmas, to keep her tiny head safe.


  1. Wow! We put Andy in his full sized crib recently. We bought bumpers because he scoots around in his sleep and gets his legs caught dangling through the bars! We read that we have to take the bumpers down though, once he starts sitting on his own, because he'll climb them to get out of the crib. My mother said that I did that when I was a baby AND then I taught my baby sister how to do it when she was about a year old and I was two.

  2. I'm too afraid to put bumpers up. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up to find Elise's face smashed into the mesh siding of her bassinet. I think that she would do the same with bumpers, but the bumpers wouldn't let her breathe as well.
