Elise and I took our first bath together. It was great. She splashed her hands and kicked her feet. I guess that the bath tub is the biggest body of water that she's ever been in. How exciting!
I like my baths and showers steamy hot. So hot that Husband can't stand it, which is why we don't take a whole lot of showers together. We compromise on the temperature and then both of us end up miserable-- he's too hot and I'm too cold. BUT, for Baby Baby I sat in a tub of what might as well have been ice water, just so I could hold her while I washed her little head and scrubbed her little toes.
She didn't even poo in the tub! Yay!
It's been in the high 90s here and we don't have air conditioning, so we took Andy's bathtub downstairs a couple nights ago and put it on the floor of one of the bedrooms to bathe him. He splashed so much water out of the tub, it's a wonder we had enough to clean him off!