Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Secret Poops

Elise has been secret-pooping a lot lately. When she was smaller, all of her poops were announced by a loud, rumbly mudslide noise. Now, I'll just be going along, ho hum, must be about time for a diaper change, and then I open her diaper and WHAM! Baby Poop City! There were no noises, no faces, no pauses in activity-- does Elise even know that she pooped? Maybe SHE doesn't know. Ugh.

Plus, she's been having poops that smell exactly like vinegar. It's strange. Husband suggested that it might be because I eat a lot of salads with balsamic vinaigrette-- but that's nothing new so I don't know why that would matter now. Either way, PEEEEE-EEEEEEEEW!

I love you, though, my stinky, sneaky vinegar butt.

1 comment:

  1. Andy does sneaky poops. But he has a tell. It usually happens while he's eating. He'll stop eating and get shifty eyes. He's all "ho hum. nothing going on here."
