Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Elise is getting pretty good at copying the sounds that she hears. Words, I mean. I often tell her that I love her, so she's started trying to say it back. It sounds mostly like "uh la yah!" but it's so very cute and melts my heart every time she says it. Even if she has no idea what it means.

Oh, and last night Husband left the room where the kids were playing and I suddenly needed him back. I was shouting his name across the house. Well, now Elise can yell his name, too. Husband thinks it's funny. I'm glad. Some adults are weird about how kids address them. I don't think she'll call Husband by his first name for any length of time, though. She just knows that she's getting a reaction from us right now.


  1. Andy gives us kisses when we say "I love you," or "good night" or "bye bye."

  2. I remember when you called your dad by his first name. He wanted you to stop because you did not call me by my first name. He thought people would think he was your stepfather rather than father.

    Love, Mom ;-)
